Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Aussie Brunch Plus TV in Bed Equals a Great Weekend

Painted garland. Should have done this with all of my leftover paint chips from foundations.
from You Are My Fave
It's late so I'm not going to say much, just a quick, "Hello, I'm alive!"

The past week has been a little nuts. I had a bad few days at work last week as did my roommates so we spent a lot of time having wine and watching movies. Best rough day cure as far as I'm concerned! This weekend the L (aka the train that stops a block and a half from my apartment) was closed for construction so I decided it was a perfect excuse to do absolutely nothing all weekend. Essentially I slept, ate, and watched Grey's Anatomy and Mad Men. Food-wise, we went the Sunburnt Cow for Aussie-style brunch on Saturday. By Aussie-style I mean that all of the dishes came with French Fries and the staff had (probably) authentic accents. In other words it was awesome. That night Kendra and I met Erin and some of her friends for Indian at Milon, a crazy place full of chili pepper shape lights and decorations for miscellaneous holiday. About every fifteen minutes the lights would start flashing and an India version of happy birthday would come on while the staff brought a table free birthday ice cream. We thought people were lying about their birthdays to get the ice cream but just before we got are check, we were given our own set of mini-desserts in honor of a birthday no one had claimed to have. Apparently at Milon it is always everyone's birthday. I can get behind that!

Nothing else notable has happened of late except that I am officially a New Yorker. I know this because I went to yoga tonight and the instructor said that "we New Yorkers" are used to small spaces. Since she was including the whole class in the statement and is an enlightened person it must be true. I should eating more bagels or something. Sounds terrific!

That's all for this evening. I know it's bedtime because I tried to write another paragraph and it was completely incoherent. Goodnight and please send good thoughts to the victims of the Chardon High School shooting and their families.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Family Affair

I've been missing the glory that is Greece!

I know, I know, it's been a while. I'm a terrible blogger and am going straight to blogger hell. Anyway, here is what happened in the last week or so:

1. Two weekends ago, my parents came to visit and my sister and I had a lovely weekend with them. We went to the Natural History Museum to see the dinosaurs which I was disproportionately excited about since I am not an archeologist or something. We also went to Chelsea Market for food and checked out some Chelsea galleries. The highlight of weekend would have to be seeing The Lion King on Broadway. It was amazing to see the creative staging and the beautiful costumes. The Lion King was one of my favorite movies growing up (my mom made me an awesome Nala costume for Halloween when I was 4 but I got the chicken pox and only got to wear it around the house) so it was really cool to see it come life. Thanks mom and dad for a wonderful time!

With my dad and sister in Chelsea Market

Some typographic art in a gallery in Chelsea. This should probably be sited
 but I have no idea who the artist is. So instead I'm going to give a
shout-out to Heinz, my awesome professor who taught me all about letterforms
and allowed me to sound smart in front of m family.

My dad's favorite piece of "art" in Chelsea.

The family with some dino bones.

According to the wall plaque this is not a Velociraptor but I have
decided it is because it is my blog and I make the rules.

Simba, you are my son and the one true king...

My geologist parents claim that the dark layer killed the dinosaurs. I think that they
are confusing killer-rocks with the crushed up Oreo layer of an ice cream cake.
2. I've starting going to yoga at a studio near my apartment. It's called Yoga to the People and the classes are on a donation basis which is great since yoga classes in the city cost about $20 per class. Since its so cheap tons of people always show up and they let as may in as possible. Instead of the standard 6-12 inches of space between mats there is about 1-2 inches. Definitely takes some getting used to but its also kind of cool to be with so many people and it forces you to stay really focused. Not usually much for Zen sayings but at the first class I went to, the instructor talked about staying tied to discomfort instead of running away from it which I think is really interesting.

You can't tell, but this guy was literally painting a UFO.
He is awesome. And possibly schizophrenic. 

3. This weekend was a long one (I had Monday off) and Erin and I went to the Catskills with Ansell, Matthew, and our grandmother who is in town for the week. We had a relaxing time sitting by the fire, reading, eating homemade pasta and frittata, and watching My Family and Other Animals (which I definitely recommend because it is British and hilarious). Monday we went to Woodstock to take in the smell of patchouli and the sight of overpriced hippie souvenirs and then Erin and I took the bus back to the city. The others stayed in the mountains for more skiing and lazing. Unfortunately, it seems that their vacation was cut short today when Ansell took a nasty fall on his skis. He is ok and has feeling in his fingers and toes but they think he fractured a vertebra. Please keep him in your thoughts.

Matt and Topper being completely adorable. 
Woodstock. So much tie dye, so little time.

4. As usual I have been trying a lot of great food including cheese and appetizers at the new beer garden in Eataly, Greek food at Kefi, to die for perogies at Veselka, and a great sandwich at 'wichcraft. My only big disappointment so far (knock on wood) has been Spice Cove, an Indian place I ordered in from that was, for lack of a better word, weird. Other than that I am eating like a champion and enjoying every bite!

5. I have started listening to my iPod on the subway. This is significant because if you listen to an iPod on the street/public transportation in Cincinnati you will be marked as an easy target and mugged. For this reason I held out on becoming an iPod listening commuter like everyone else in NYC but I have given in. This is clearly a sign that I should be shipped back to Ohio and exorcised.

6. Another request for good thoughts: my roommate Allie went back to Cincinnati this week to be with her grandmother who is sick. I'm sure her faily would appreciate some positive energy!

Thats all for now. Can't make any promises  but I will try to post more frequently in the future! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

High Rollin'

This is what my life will be soon. And yes, I am obsessed with Mad Men.

Greetings! Hope Kristen Bell and her sloth love held you over while you pined for more blog posts.

I've been trying to figure out the best way to write about everything that has happened in the last week or so and have even started writing this post a couple of times. Emily is sitting next to me doing a post in list form so I am stealing her idea. Thanks Emily!

1. First and most importantly, I spent Saturday night being actually living up to my Glamour and Glory name for once! My cousin Sasha called me in the afternoon to invite me to a Human Rights Campaign benefit dinner with her husband and some friends. They had an extra ticket and when they called Erin to invite her she told them I was in the city and that they should take me instead. She did this because she is an amazing sister and wanted me to have a cool experience while in the city! Anyway, thanks to my fantastic cousin and sister I ended up all dressed up, my hair actually done for once (thanks to Kendra and her curling skills), drinking champagne ten feet from Michael Kors and Anna Wintour (aka. the woman who Meryl Streep's character was based on in The Devil Wears Prada). It was a great event that celebrated the people and events that have helped advance gay rights in the past year. Anna Wintour received an award for using her position in the fashion world to support equal rights and she gave a wonderful speech. I feel like I should be quoting people but honestly I was so overwhelmed by everything that I can't pinpoint one thing specifically. All I can say is that along with all the delicious food and fancy clothes, there were many moments that made me remember what the event was for and feel proud of how far we've come and hopeful for the future.

Ok sappy moment over. We ended up at an impromptu after-party at a bar in the Meatpacking District. The appetizers and drinks were compliments of Vogue and I have literally never felt so much like I had been thrown into someone else's life. The people we were with all seemed to have fancy titles (eg. Head of PR at Vogue) but were so nice! Post-after-party we went to the Boom Boom Room at the top of the Standard. Not being a New Yorker or a fancy person I had never heard of it but apparently it is so nice that the Standard doesn't even list it on their website. The bathroom literally had floor to ceiling windows looking at the Empire State Building. I don't even know what to say about the whole, there are no words. I had such an amazing time and have to extra thank Erin and Sasha for my Cinderella moment (you don't have to meet a prince to be Cinderella anymore because of feminism), it was incredible!

Wish I had picture to post but my bag was too small for a camera. I wore this dress but its a much brighter red in person!

That was a long list point. A few more quick things I did/learned.

2. In spite having a bajillion sizes, lengths, cuts, and "curve identities" Levi's do not actually make any clothes that fit my body. I spent nearly an hour digging through heaps of jeans looking for some magic pair and got nada.

3. Found some more awesome restaurants including Num Pang (Vietnamese sandwiches), Two Boots (pizza), and Hi Thai. The food here is killing me. I need to start doing yoga or something.

4. Sunday we had a Super Bowl party. You can read all about it on Kendra's blog but basically it was fun, there was delicious food, and, being interim New Yorkers, we all cheered for the winning team!

5. I forgot how much I love The Bachelor. This season has the worst people. I love it. The best part is Allie who sits in the corner and goes "He's not that great" every time the girls gush about how great the bachelor is. This is why Allie and I are friends. My other favorite part is the insane things these people say. To finish up the post, my favorite line from this season of The Bachelor:

"On a scale of one to ten, I feel like I'm going to throw up."


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Veronica Mars plus Sloths Equals So Much Greatness

This is the best video of all time. Seriously. No one has ever had a better reaction to anything ever. Just watch it. Now.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Everyone is Mean

Yeah Jerkface, who?

Update: My always-wise mother pointed out that the email I included in this post was not that mean. After realizing she was right, I decided to post an update with a definitively meaner email I received yesterday.

Disclaimer: I am a big supporter of people getting paid for things. This post is about basic courtesy not copyright issues.

Last week, while madly messaging Flickr users to request use of their images I exchanged a couple of emails with a guy which eventually ended in this:

Hello Amy,

Thanks for your interesting insights.

The impression I get from your website is that Two Twelve is a serious and professional organization, I don't have to ask you if I right on that. You get paid for your designs too, I suppose. Then why would you ask a photographer to give away his work for free? 

How do you think that an editorial photographer can keep on investing time and energy into making images that work for your business and your clients? Please tell me if you know so I can get rich by doing what I love too! Here is an interesting read about this. I suggest you share this with anyone that likes photography and wants to keep on using the great things photographers do to help your business keep doing what you love to do: http://matthew-oldfield-photography.com/thoughts/can-i-have-your-photos-for-free-part-2/

FYI - if you are planning on distributing content make sure that your organization has all property/model releases figured out. Perhaps you can use material in an editorial way if it fits your project. Even if it is a free app and people allow you to use their material for credit only you have to consider these points. My photos are available under editorial licenses. I hope you can use this to your benefit.

Good luck with your project!

I decided to respond to this sarcastic condescension with some painfully polite professionalism seasoned with a hint of snark:

Dear Jerkface,

Thank you for your response. Of course I understand your need to be paid for your work. The reason that I contacted you was because I found your work on Flickr, a website with both professional and non-professional work. Many of the non-professional photographers are willing to give permission for their work to be used.  
I am sorry if I offended you. Most of the professional photographers I have contacted have refused in quick, polite messages so I didn't see the harm in asking.

I hope he felt the disdain but I don't know because he hasn't responded. I feel like designers are always having the conversation about being paid for our work. I completely respect anyone who says "No I need you to pay me for my work." I expect to be paid for my work. What baffles me are people who are so rude about it. I am contacting you as a member of the same community. I am doing my job. Also you are posting your professional work on Flickr, a website full of vacation snapshots. I'm not saying there isn't good work on Flickr but its not all professional work so you'll have to forgive me for politely messaging you to express interest in using your work. I AM COMPLIMENTING YOUR WORK! JUST SAY "NO THANK YOU" LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE!

My point is this:  Stop being a jerk, everybody!

(Yes I realize that this is sort of pointless ranting. Its been a long day. Leave me alone.)

*Name has been changed for identity protection reasons.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Scabbies the Asbestos Rat

Patterned cups and bowls from West Elm

Just a quick hello! Our internet is dreadful so here's hoping that I can actually post this!

Yesterday I went for a walk during lunch because it was gorgeous out. I was shocked to discover a giant blow up rat with a sign that read "Asbestos Kills."I was confused because in Cincinnati/everywhere giant rats blown up in front of buildings mean that someone did something without using unions. I thought maybe our building hired union works for some construction and then they got Asbestos poisoning. Wrong. I googled it and I guess it means someone had the asbestos removed by someone who was not the Asbestos Union (yes that is a real thing). The rats name is Scabbies because asbestos isn't gross enough apparently. You learn something everyday. Yesterday it was that I have been inhaling asbestos for the last month and it may not have been properly removed. Huzzah. If you really want to see Scabbies or know more you can check it out here. (I took a picture but the internet is the worst so I'm not even going to try it).

We got Pomme Frites last night. Basically cone fries (like Amsterdam!) with tons of different sauces and flavored mayo you can put on them. Its only like five blocks away. This could be a problem of the financial and calorie variety. We walked to from the restaurant to Union Square to bring Emily her fries since she had to work late and we got to see her company Rockwell which was an awful lot like Two Twelve on the inside. Fun Fact: Rockwell did the interior design for the Chambers, the hotel Ansell manages. It is excellent inside so clearly they are great.

Work has been completely insane. But mutual insanity seems to bring people together so my co-workers and I have bonded. Someday, probably around 2019, you will be able to download the app we are working on. It will be free and I will send you a link. Then you can tell me how it is the greatest app ever created. You will tell me this even if you do not have any app-able devices otherwise I will never speak to you again.

That's all for now! I'll report back this weekend. I have big plans like doing laundry. Stay tuned!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

My New Least Favorite People are the Ones on Flickr

Life motto. This is how I feel almost all of the time.

Today on the phone my dad pointed out that I am the world's worst blogger because I never post. Thanks dad. 

I spent most of the work week contacting Flickr users trying to get permission to use their images for an in-house project I'm working on. What I learned is that Flickr users are the worst. Ok not all of them but a lot of them. One guy wanted to trade on photo he took of a park for me designing him an entire map. He actually used the word barter. Because we are pilgrims. Other than that painful process, work has been really good. I like everyone I work with and, although it been really busy, I like having something to do and feeling like I'm actually contributing.

Outside of work I've been enjoying the city. Monday I was off work for MLK day. I went to see Young Adult with Erin. I thought it was really good. Erin thought it was terribly depressing. Afterward went to Rosa Mexicano, a fancy Mexican restaurant that is participating in Restaurant Week (basically fancy restaurants have set menus for a set price so that poor people like us can afford to go). They had the world's greatest guacamole that they mix up right in front of you. Its nice to get to try good restaurants without (completely) breaking the bank. Tuesday, Ansell took us to see Lady Bunny, a hilarious drag queen which was really fun! She spent a lot of time mocking Katy Perry songs which I appreciated. I tried Kati Roll which is an Indian restaurant that basically just wraps up Indian dishes in flat bread. Like a burrito plus Indian food. Its as awesome as it sounds. 

Other things happen during the week but everything has been so hectic that I can't really remember what happened (no mom, I'm not on drugs, just tired). Friday, I went to Fig + Olive,  another restaurant week place, with my roommates. The meal was good but the best part was definitely dessert, which was a chocolate mousse type thing. After dinner we went back to Horse Box for a couple beers. The bartender forgot to charge me for my second beer so that's always a bonus!

Saturday I had lunch with Ansell, Matt, and Erin at Momofuku, which is delicious and has the added bonus of being about three blocks away. Afterward, I walked up 1st Ave to get some pictures for work since everyone on Flickr is awful. It was actually really nice to go for a walk in the newly fallen but already slushy snow. I got to use my new snow boots and felt like a real person who is prepared for weather issues. Erin stopped by with some friends in the evening. I was planning on going out with them but I was feeling tired, lazy (see above image), and like I might be coming down with a cold so I stayed home. 

That's sort of the update of my life. Exciting, I know. I promise to actually post this week. I want to do some inspiration type posts but I'm not that real yet. Be patient. It's a slow process.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

From the Ballerina Project. Pretty sure this in the NYC subway
No big life updates at the moment. Blogging is much harder when I'm in one place, working instead of aimlessly wandering through Europe. I definitely like it here, it's just less eventful. Thursday and Friday were fairly normal work days. Last night we went out in the East Village where our apartment is. After trying several noisy, overcrowded bars we ended up at a place called The Horsebox. You can check out this sort of hilarious website that they have if you feel so inclined. It was a pretty good bar, relaxed and very close to home. Also they have the Game of LIFE: Star Wars edition which is amazing. Definitely going back.

Me, Emily, and Allie at The Horsebox.

My beer and the hook game at The Horsebox. Also
the bartender. Because I'm a very talented photographer.

Today I needed to get groceries. Kendra, Emily, and I headed to Chelsea Market. Somehow I managed to buy a skirt on the way. Whoops. The market is really nice. We got lobster rolls at The Lobster Place which were pricey but delicious.

Tonight we ended up watching Miss America (don't judge us) instead of going out because we were all tired and I was in an anti-meeting-new-people mood. Kept expecting something to explode since my only frame of reference for beauty pageants is Miss Congeniality. Apparently that is not really how pageants go down. We were also serenaded by our neighbors who were having a party which apparently consisted entirely of drunk karaoke. Their set list included old-school Justin Timberlake and the Spice Girls. All I can say is if you are going to sing so loudly that people in the building next to you can hear every word you should probably at least try to sing well. It seems like the polite thing to do.

Today we went brunch at Ciao for Now. Had savory french toast which I didn't even know was a thing. It had cheese and onion and was amazing. After filling up, we went to Trader Joe's which was much more manageable this time probably because it was a bigger store and didn't feel so crammed. Afterward I headed down to Brooklyn to see Pina which was really good. It's about a contemporary dance choreographer and is mostly just her work with some interviews with the dancers in her company. Also it is in 3D which sounds weird but it was really well done. We had really good Thai when the movie was over.

I have tomorrow off for MLK Day! Plan on doing some sleeping and then hanging out with Erin. If you have the day off: enjoy! If not: at least the roads/subways might not be busy?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Job: Defending National Security and Becoming a Professional Spammer

This is how I always feel! Prosper, our office manager, makes the best
coffee in the world. I can't stop drinking it. It's getting to be a problem.

The last couple of days has been pretty busy so here's the short version:

Tuesday morning we took a field trip to Lincoln Center to check out some great environmental graphic design for inspiration. It was really well done. I didn't take pictures so you are just going to have to take my word for it. Actually I'll probably just go back and take pictures. It was nice to get out of the office and and see something new. So nice that I didn't really mind when I was sent back up there to retrieve a packet of super secret confidential stuff that we accidentally left there. It was a very important security matter. Basically I just saved America. You're welcome.

Today I spent the majority of the day finding images on Flickr and messaging the photographers to see if they would give us permission to use them. I FlickrMessaged so many people with almost the same exact message that Flickr called me a dirty spammer and shut down my messaging capabilities. I was just trying to do my job Flickr! 

Other than work, I have mostly just been eating a lot. Yesterday I got a falafel pita from Maoz Vegetarian where they let you stick everything from the salad bar in your pita for free! Today I went out for sushi with some of my co-workers for lunch. It was delicious and great getting to know people. For dinner we had Dumpling Man (check out the site, the dumpling man is adorable). It was good, cheap, and close so I will definitely be returning. We also got pastries from an Italian bakery which was so good that I inhaled my mini eclair and mini chocolate pastry in four seconds. I like design but I think eating is probably my true life vocation. I wish there was a job that was only eating. Like when monarchs used to have tasters who tried everything before they ate it but without the potential death by poisoning. Maybe I'll be a judge on Top Chef. I'm sure they would just let me do that without any training whatsoever. 

That's all for now. Come visit me and we can eat awesome food together! It'll be great!

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Best Defense is a Good "I Will Cut You" Face

Attic Bedroom. I would live here. But without the hearts.

Today is light on any real news so I'm going to tell you a story. I am also going to start posting pictures pulled from my massive stash of "Inspiration" folders when I don't have any pictures of my life to share. Since I don't take a lot of pictures I hope this will save this blog from being image-less and make it seem like I might actually be a designer or something.

A few months ago I went to a wedding with my sister. We were in the lobby waiting for the shuttle to take us to the reception when a man walked in wandered though the room and then announced that he would rather date my sister because she has a nice face and I look mean like I might cut him. I promise I'm not making this up. It was the single best compliment I have ever been given.

This is relevant because I believe that my default face became subconsciously meaner to deter crackhead murderers from attaching me when I am in slums of Cincinnati and I am hoping this continues to work here in NYC. I'll let you know how that goes.

Promise to start posting legitimate things tomorrow or when something interesting happens. One or the other.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I Love the Mountains

Back at the apartment after a short but relaxing weekend in the mountains. There isn't much to tell because mostly I just slept and snacked and read and it was amazing. I forgot how much I love the house with its big windows, wood floors, and open-but-cozy rooms. Erin and I stayed at the house all day Saturday while Ansell, Matt, and his friend Noah skied. When the returned the boys made me feel old by lumping me in the "grown-up people" and then getting me to chauffeur them to get a movie. Like I drove and they both sat in the back and I felt like I was a million years old. I think must have known this because then they suckered me into getting ice cream when I was supposed to just be buying kale. Not sure if I'm a really old kid or just horrible at being an adult horrible adult. Anyway, Ansell made delicious butternut squash and mushroom risotto for dinner and we watched Zoolander.

Some totally artful, well-composed, and not at all haphazard photos of the Ansell's lovely house:

The view for the enormous windows in the country house
Topper the Super Dog

Ansell in the entry. I totally made this crooked on purpose for  artistic purposes

The lovely stove in a great kitchen

We curled by this wood stove all weekend. It was great!
Today we left fairly early in the afternoon and had an uneventful trip home. On the way back to the apartment I stopped at Trader Joe's to pick up groceries. This was a mistake. It was a total madhouse. I could barely get through the aisles to find stuff and the line wrapped around the whole store. I am rethinking my assumption that people eating out of trash cans are homeless. I think might just be tired of waiting in line at Trader Joe's. I think the lines might be beneficial to Trader Joe's though because you have to wind through all the aisles, looking at the food, and then you start wanting everything and thinking about how if you buy all this stuff you can hoard it and  you won't have to go back to Trader Joe Hell again for a while. I bought fruit bars purely out of momentarily hoarder syndrome. Maybe this is why no one eats at work.

More later! I'll leave you with this awesome post my friend Ben Ko left on my Facebook wall. This simultaneously explains my love of John Hamm and my hatred of extraneous hats:

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy Friday!

I'm headed into work in a few but wanted to say a quick hello/goodbye. After work I am heading to the Catskills for a relaxing weekend with Erin, Ansell, and Matt! If you need something to do while waiting for a post on your new favorite blog you should watch this (there's a new episode at last) or check out one of my favorite food/life blogs

Adios and have a lovely weekend!

Ps. Don't have a citation for this image. Please don't hate me Citing Police!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

So I realized I forgot...

To properly introduce/explain this blog. So here it is. In this blog I will hopefully:

-Tell you about life in "The Big Snapple" (phrase courtesy of Michelle Kowalski)
-Tell you about my job in vague, un-sueable terms
-Post some design inspiration/fun thing I find on the interwebs
-Post hypothetical outfits/things I want to own
-Posts about the awesome food I am eating in order to make you feel jealous
-Maybe put up some pictures but don't hold me to that

Things this blog will not include:

-Pictures of my outfits. I like blogs that do this but I am leaving it to Kendra because I look like a crack head in most pictures and I can't take the pressure
-...That's all I can think of really. Feel free to comment on things that I may or may not want to include so that I can refuse

UPDATE: The eating habits of my co-workers. They eat! Apparently Thursdays are "Office Lunch Days" where they feed us. This is both awesome and provides confirmation that the people I work with eat at least once a week. Today we had delicious pizza and salad. Thursdays are my new favorite days.

Note to any co-workers: I'm joking about the food thing. I actually really like all of you. I swear!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Welcome to My Latest Adventure!

Hi everyone!

As you may or may not know, I just moved to NYC for a 3 month internship at Two Twelve, a firm that specializes in wayfinding and information design. I'm too tired to get into the gory details of the move so in brief: my parents and I arrived in New Jersey on December 31 and they helped me move into my new apartment in the East Village. Since then I have been spending my time with my new roommates, my sister, and my uncle eating massive amounts of delicious food and trying to cram all of my stuff into our tiny apartment.

I promise to provide more apartment details and plan on plenty of food posts but for now let's talk work. I started Tuesday but it was a pretty slow day since the whole company had just gotten back from "winter break." Everyone is extremely nice and welcoming and I spent the day shaking hands and combing the company info server to figure out how the company runs. Not a bad first day but the lack of work made it feel very slow. Also, starting at noon I kept waiting for everyone to get up and go to lunch but no on really did. Around one a few people had lunch at their desks but for the most part I didn't really see a whole lot of eating going on. After consulting with my roommates later I came to the conclusion that people in New York do not eat. This seems contradictory to the fact that the restaurants always seem full. Further research needed on this subject. My roommates and I, on the other hand, definitely eat. We went to a great Mediterranean place and then got cupcakes (chocolate sea salted icing is amazeballs by the way).

Today I was given two projects (the details of which may or may not be confidential, I have no idea, but I'm going to air on the side of caution just say one is a poster and one is an app, that shouldn't get me sued right?). Having something productive to do made me remember that I like what I do, a fact that post-European-adventure Amy seemed to have forgotten for a while. Otherwise, it was just nice getting to know my co-workers better and discovering that many of them do in fact eat. One woman even gave me candy. Her name is also Amy which was the first clue that she is awesome. The candy confirmed it. Had tapas with my sister (hithertofor known as "Erin" because that is her name) at a place called Pipa (as in Middleton). We had patatas bravas, asparagus, and octopus and it was awesome!

Bedtime! Will continue to post updates, tales of food, and some design type things. Until then you can use the links to the right to check out my roommate Kendra's blog, my Cinci roommate Michelle's blog, my pinterest, or to catch up on part one of Glamour and Glory in which I eloquently describe my poor sense of direction and love of tomato and cheese sandwiches.

*During my workless Monday I read the entire Two Twelve manual and was informed that I should have a disclaimer for any internet type material that mentions the company so here it is: everything I say about the company ("The Company" makes me think of this awesome show) is purely my opinion and does not reflect the opinions of the company (presumably because companies can't have opinions).