Sunday, January 15, 2012

From the Ballerina Project. Pretty sure this in the NYC subway
No big life updates at the moment. Blogging is much harder when I'm in one place, working instead of aimlessly wandering through Europe. I definitely like it here, it's just less eventful. Thursday and Friday were fairly normal work days. Last night we went out in the East Village where our apartment is. After trying several noisy, overcrowded bars we ended up at a place called The Horsebox. You can check out this sort of hilarious website that they have if you feel so inclined. It was a pretty good bar, relaxed and very close to home. Also they have the Game of LIFE: Star Wars edition which is amazing. Definitely going back.

Me, Emily, and Allie at The Horsebox.

My beer and the hook game at The Horsebox. Also
the bartender. Because I'm a very talented photographer.

Today I needed to get groceries. Kendra, Emily, and I headed to Chelsea Market. Somehow I managed to buy a skirt on the way. Whoops. The market is really nice. We got lobster rolls at The Lobster Place which were pricey but delicious.

Tonight we ended up watching Miss America (don't judge us) instead of going out because we were all tired and I was in an anti-meeting-new-people mood. Kept expecting something to explode since my only frame of reference for beauty pageants is Miss Congeniality. Apparently that is not really how pageants go down. We were also serenaded by our neighbors who were having a party which apparently consisted entirely of drunk karaoke. Their set list included old-school Justin Timberlake and the Spice Girls. All I can say is if you are going to sing so loudly that people in the building next to you can hear every word you should probably at least try to sing well. It seems like the polite thing to do.

Today we went brunch at Ciao for Now. Had savory french toast which I didn't even know was a thing. It had cheese and onion and was amazing. After filling up, we went to Trader Joe's which was much more manageable this time probably because it was a bigger store and didn't feel so crammed. Afterward I headed down to Brooklyn to see Pina which was really good. It's about a contemporary dance choreographer and is mostly just her work with some interviews with the dancers in her company. Also it is in 3D which sounds weird but it was really well done. We had really good Thai when the movie was over.

I have tomorrow off for MLK Day! Plan on doing some sleeping and then hanging out with Erin. If you have the day off: enjoy! If not: at least the roads/subways might not be busy?

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