Sunday, January 8, 2012

I Love the Mountains

Back at the apartment after a short but relaxing weekend in the mountains. There isn't much to tell because mostly I just slept and snacked and read and it was amazing. I forgot how much I love the house with its big windows, wood floors, and open-but-cozy rooms. Erin and I stayed at the house all day Saturday while Ansell, Matt, and his friend Noah skied. When the returned the boys made me feel old by lumping me in the "grown-up people" and then getting me to chauffeur them to get a movie. Like I drove and they both sat in the back and I felt like I was a million years old. I think must have known this because then they suckered me into getting ice cream when I was supposed to just be buying kale. Not sure if I'm a really old kid or just horrible at being an adult horrible adult. Anyway, Ansell made delicious butternut squash and mushroom risotto for dinner and we watched Zoolander.

Some totally artful, well-composed, and not at all haphazard photos of the Ansell's lovely house:

The view for the enormous windows in the country house
Topper the Super Dog

Ansell in the entry. I totally made this crooked on purpose for  artistic purposes

The lovely stove in a great kitchen

We curled by this wood stove all weekend. It was great!
Today we left fairly early in the afternoon and had an uneventful trip home. On the way back to the apartment I stopped at Trader Joe's to pick up groceries. This was a mistake. It was a total madhouse. I could barely get through the aisles to find stuff and the line wrapped around the whole store. I am rethinking my assumption that people eating out of trash cans are homeless. I think might just be tired of waiting in line at Trader Joe's. I think the lines might be beneficial to Trader Joe's though because you have to wind through all the aisles, looking at the food, and then you start wanting everything and thinking about how if you buy all this stuff you can hoard it and  you won't have to go back to Trader Joe Hell again for a while. I bought fruit bars purely out of momentarily hoarder syndrome. Maybe this is why no one eats at work.

More later! I'll leave you with this awesome post my friend Ben Ko left on my Facebook wall. This simultaneously explains my love of John Hamm and my hatred of extraneous hats:

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