Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Scabbies the Asbestos Rat

Patterned cups and bowls from West Elm

Just a quick hello! Our internet is dreadful so here's hoping that I can actually post this!

Yesterday I went for a walk during lunch because it was gorgeous out. I was shocked to discover a giant blow up rat with a sign that read "Asbestos Kills."I was confused because in Cincinnati/everywhere giant rats blown up in front of buildings mean that someone did something without using unions. I thought maybe our building hired union works for some construction and then they got Asbestos poisoning. Wrong. I googled it and I guess it means someone had the asbestos removed by someone who was not the Asbestos Union (yes that is a real thing). The rats name is Scabbies because asbestos isn't gross enough apparently. You learn something everyday. Yesterday it was that I have been inhaling asbestos for the last month and it may not have been properly removed. Huzzah. If you really want to see Scabbies or know more you can check it out here. (I took a picture but the internet is the worst so I'm not even going to try it).

We got Pomme Frites last night. Basically cone fries (like Amsterdam!) with tons of different sauces and flavored mayo you can put on them. Its only like five blocks away. This could be a problem of the financial and calorie variety. We walked to from the restaurant to Union Square to bring Emily her fries since she had to work late and we got to see her company Rockwell which was an awful lot like Two Twelve on the inside. Fun Fact: Rockwell did the interior design for the Chambers, the hotel Ansell manages. It is excellent inside so clearly they are great.

Work has been completely insane. But mutual insanity seems to bring people together so my co-workers and I have bonded. Someday, probably around 2019, you will be able to download the app we are working on. It will be free and I will send you a link. Then you can tell me how it is the greatest app ever created. You will tell me this even if you do not have any app-able devices otherwise I will never speak to you again.

That's all for now! I'll report back this weekend. I have big plans like doing laundry. Stay tuned!

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