Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Aussie Brunch Plus TV in Bed Equals a Great Weekend

Painted garland. Should have done this with all of my leftover paint chips from foundations.
from You Are My Fave
It's late so I'm not going to say much, just a quick, "Hello, I'm alive!"

The past week has been a little nuts. I had a bad few days at work last week as did my roommates so we spent a lot of time having wine and watching movies. Best rough day cure as far as I'm concerned! This weekend the L (aka the train that stops a block and a half from my apartment) was closed for construction so I decided it was a perfect excuse to do absolutely nothing all weekend. Essentially I slept, ate, and watched Grey's Anatomy and Mad Men. Food-wise, we went the Sunburnt Cow for Aussie-style brunch on Saturday. By Aussie-style I mean that all of the dishes came with French Fries and the staff had (probably) authentic accents. In other words it was awesome. That night Kendra and I met Erin and some of her friends for Indian at Milon, a crazy place full of chili pepper shape lights and decorations for miscellaneous holiday. About every fifteen minutes the lights would start flashing and an India version of happy birthday would come on while the staff brought a table free birthday ice cream. We thought people were lying about their birthdays to get the ice cream but just before we got are check, we were given our own set of mini-desserts in honor of a birthday no one had claimed to have. Apparently at Milon it is always everyone's birthday. I can get behind that!

Nothing else notable has happened of late except that I am officially a New Yorker. I know this because I went to yoga tonight and the instructor said that "we New Yorkers" are used to small spaces. Since she was including the whole class in the statement and is an enlightened person it must be true. I should eating more bagels or something. Sounds terrific!

That's all for this evening. I know it's bedtime because I tried to write another paragraph and it was completely incoherent. Goodnight and please send good thoughts to the victims of the Chardon High School shooting and their families.

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